Tuesday, 21 November 2017

Balcony in bloom: autumn/winter update 2017

It's been awhile since my last balcony in bloom update and I though it is time to catch up. Last month I've been busy repotting and trimming my little garden to prepare it for the cooler months. Recent winters in London were not harsh and I believe that this year won't be any different, so I have hopes for few blooms even during the winter.

Here is how my balcony looks at the moment. Not a sunny day outside, so it is a treat to see a bit of colour and occasional blooms. This little corner is one of way I tend to distress from my busy life. Do share your distress tips in the comments below.

I have added Azalea Japonica and some Pansies to freshen up the overall look. Azalea I believe will bloom in spring. I have it in a light pink shade and it looks hardy enough to last. Pansies are usually good with cold and will provide my little corner with a bit of yellow and purple colours.

I am glad to say that I still have basket Begonia, yellow Primula and Geranium, which you can see in my previous updates. I have planted some beautiful Fuchsia this summer and it looks they might last the winter and bloom again next year. My first Fuchsia was attacked by green bugs and sadly didn't survive, so I am thrilled to have a bit more success with it this time.

I can see tiny shoots of Narcissus and Hyacinth already, looking forward to enjoy them coming spring. My mint and succulents are doing well too, mind you without much effort on my side. I guess, some plants just love to be left alone to thrive.

I would love to hear about your balconies and plants you grow. Do you like blooms or prefer greens, share in the comments below.

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