Tuesday, 13 January 2015

My New Approach to the Beauty Shopping - Conscious Spending

Last month I did no beauty shopping challenge in order to review the way I shop for the beauty products and how I would like it to be. 

I can tell you that what I would like my shopping experience be and what I actually go through are both different things. Not a very satisfying thought indeed! I gave it some pondering and decided to try a new approach to the beauty shopping this year.

I am not rich to make wrong choices. This is my new motto for the beauty and non-beauty shopping this year and I hope beyond that. 

I made list of rules I plan to follow in my future shopping:

1. Buy less, but better. You might see less often beauty hauls posts on my blog, but I would like to spend my money on a better quality beauty products. This doesn't mean I will buy only expensive or high end beauty products, but you will see some of them soon. There are beauty items worth a splash of cash and there are some you shouldn't bother with a price, because their quality or properties will be the same. These products could vary from person to the person, but I believe you know what I am about here.

2. If in doubt, leave it. You know sometime we have that feeling about something, but still go against it just in case. I will try from now on listen to my intuition, because I know how many time I were wrong when I didn't.

3. Make my own. I am still learning how to make DIY-Beauty items, but what I know so far is a useful asset to keep in mind when I do my shopping list. Check my DIY-Beauty page for some creative, but simple recipes.

4. Stick to the shopping list. I tend to substitute what I want with a cheaper beauty product. I will try to do my homework instead and buy what I really want and need even if I it will require to spend a bit more for a better quality.

5. Don't care for the rest. If a beauty product works for me and I like it, I will stay with it and won't shop around. This is a hard one for a beauty blogger. But I have my Glossybox for a new beauty discoveries, so I shall be able to pull it off.

I do believe, if I will plan my shopping this way I actually will be able to buy what I want and be more happy with the results. We all know that quality lasts longer, gives better results and brings you more satisfaction overall. This how I want to see my shopping this year and hope to build a strong foundation for the future.

Have you ever tried conscious spending and what are your tips to avoid the waste of money?

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