Last weekend I had a bit of time to tidy my balcony and thought to up to date you with my all year round blooming project. I have injected a bit of colour and variety with colourful Pansies, adding one or two in each pot.
I love the effect and they can cope very well with cooler temperatures, so I hope to enjoy them for few month to come. Two unusual stones you can see in the corner, my boys found them on one of our our river bank walks. I think they add an interesting touch.
Baby begonias I have planted in the early spring, flowered all summer and still growing quite nicely. I kept them as they are, believe they will flower until first frosts.
I have new pot in the opposite corner. Beautiful Zantedechia was evicted from my leaving room due to green bugs. Amazingly, it is very strong and survived not just ambush, but my attempts to help. I bought some colourful Primula to keep it company outside, because I think it prefers the outdoors more.
My little flower corners keeps me happy and content. I am glad that I am able to find some time to dig in. How is your balcony/garden, ready for new season?